
Include the header file to use the trie library.

#include "trie.tcc"

The library provides the Trie class, which takes two template arguments, the first of which determines the alphabet size, the second determines the type of the leaf.

Trie<4, Leaf> trie;
vector<uint8_t> word = {0, 1, 2, 3};
Node<4, Leaf>* node = trie.find(word);
for (Result<Leaf> result: trie.walk()) {
  // result.leaf : Leaf node.
  // result.path : Word leading up to the leaf.
for (Result<Leaf> result: trie.hamming(word, 1)) {
  // result.leaf : Leaf node.
  // result.path : Word leading up to the leaf.
struct MyLeaf : Leaf {
  vector<size_t> lines;
size_t line = 0;
for (vector<uint8_t> word: words) {
  MyLeaf* leaf = trie.add(word);